Peace One Day Report - Ann Garrett

Peace One Day Report  - 2021, by Ann Garrett

This was a virtual event on September  21st and was kindly facilitated by Julia Saumagne of London Region CND.

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The evening began with music from Nick Jeffries  and the Gillies [ Susan Turner and Mark Evans ] followed by Hanifa Smith who spoke about the Woodcraft Folk and their involvement in human rights and peace issues. She showed film excerpts  to illustrate this.

There was also music from Paul Steele and Curtis Savage , and poems from Richard Hart, Patricia Mc Kinnon - Lower, Roisin Robertson, Leon and Ben Silver and Ann Garrett .


Kirsten Bayes  - Senior Outreach Worker for CAAT  spoke about the immoral Arms Fair and the Uk’s profits from selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, as a result of which millions have died , especially in the Yemen.

David Leal showed part of a film of the work of the Peace One Day organisation, who campaigned to get the UN to pass a resolution to make September 21st each year  a global day of peace and non violence. Their work has a great influence in countries  throughout the world . especially with young people and in third world communities . They have recently been focussing on human rights situations resulting from climate change.


We were grateful to David Leal, Mike Coulston and other technicians for their competences throughout the evening and to all those who attended and participated,  sharing their talents and messages in working to make changes in an increasingly challenging world .

Gini  Bevan and Ann Garrett [ chair and member of the SE London Peace , Justice and Solidarity Network ].