London CND at the #NursesNotNukes demo

London CND joined the Peace bloc at the People’s Assembly national demonstration ‘Demand A New Normal’ under the banner of #NursesNotNukes, #NHSNotTrident.



The People’s Assembly had called a national demonstration in response to the government’s shocking mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis. Its pitiful offer to the nurses, the public sector pay freeze, lack of sick pay – all while announcing the first increase in nuclear weapons since the Cold War – makes it very clear that the government doesn’t care about the health and wellbeing of our communities.

It was a lively demonstration, taking us all the way from Langham Place to Parliament where we assembled for a rally. Jeremy Corbyn MP addressed the crowd, pointing out the inadequacy of the 40% increase of the British nuclear stockpile in this context of health and climate emergency.


It was also the first opportunity for London CND’s new group in Lambeth to gather in real life!


Thanks to Marian, who counldn’t make it but sent us a placard to support our NHS not Trident message.


What now?

Put pressure on your MP
A cross-party group of MPs has submitted a Parliamentary motion – EDM 1667 – condemning the increase. Write to your MP to ask them to support it.

Contact the Prime Minister
Let Boris Johnson know your opposition to his plan and ask him to build the kind of world we want to live in.

Legal opinion
Read a legal opinion commissioned by CND on how Britain is breaching international law.