No to War in Ukraine demonstration report

Across the world people are uniting for peace and calling for an end to war in Ukraine. On Sunday 6th March, 2022, London CND joined the No to War in Ukraine Global Day of Action.

Stop the War and CND organised the London demonstration, and thousands showed up to say:

No to war in Ukraine.

Russian Troops Out.

No to NATO Expansion.

We opposed the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We called for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Russian troops. We also recognised this is a conflict thirty years in the making, a conflict in which Britain is playing a provocative role - talking up war, decrying diplomacy and increased military deployments to neighbouring countries.

At the final rally, London CND vice-chair Bruce Kent delivered a powerful speech:

"We are wasting billions on nuclear weapons which could be used for hospitals, education...We are just showing off!"

Further actions on the subjects are to be expected.